Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

Nightblood Confirmations! Legion Release Words of Brandon P1



Today on Shardcast, there's yet more Words of Brandon, this time from the Legion release party, and boy do we have some real good ones. We get some actual, real-to-goodness confirmations about Nightblood, including some longstanding mysteries being discussed. It's exciting! This Word of Brandon episode is not one to miss. We also get upper and lower bounds on how many Desolations there are! Are you not entertained! Some theories are also destroyed in this one. We have Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), Evgeni (Argent, and head of Taln's fandom apparently), and joining late due to traffic is Ben (Jebus). We'll see you all next week for part two from the Legion release! Shardcast is the premier podcast on Brandon's works, Stormlight Archive, Mistborn, and all of the cosmere, run by the mega-fans at 17th Shard. We strive for high-quality discussion and analysis and accuracy, but if we missed something, we're sure you'll comment below! For discussion, theories, games, and news, come to Come t