Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

How To Tune Into What Your Soul Wants



Do you ever wonder what your Soul wants for you, or even how to hear the whispers of your soul? Your soul loves you and wants you to experience a magnificent life. It is constantly speaking to you, prompting you and guiding you towards your best life. Your soul path is the path that has been chosen for you but you don’t have to follow it. You can choose differently but the path you choose will certainly not be as fulfilling as the one your soul has chosen. You soul has a higher perspective and knows whats best for you. It know the path of least resistance and if you are living in line with your souls desires and working towards fulfilling them, this is what leads to a life of profound fulfilment. Often we mistake the voice of the ego for soul desires. We get caught up in thinking and miss the opportunity to receive soul guidance. If this is the case for you, don’t worry, I explain in this episode how to differentiate between what you want and what your soul wants. I also share what Archangel to work w