Soar (scn) Podcast

EP26 - Robert Clancy



Mali Interviews Robert Clancy. Robert Clancy is a gifted technology entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, author, minister and spiritual teacher from the heart of upstate New York. Through his passion for exceptional design & innovative technology, he co-founded Spiral Design Studio ( over 27 years ago to lead an award winning creative team in the evolution of major corporate brands, marketing & web development. Balancing his corporate commitments with his lifelong compassion for humanity, Robert supports ongoing volunteerism within his business and everyday life. His dedication to community inspires his team and encourages professional leaders to step up and give back. At 19, Robert had a divine spiritual experience that greatly altered his life. In 2012 he started “Robert Clancy – Guide to the Soul” Facebook fan page ( where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by nearly a half million people worldwide. Robert is also a regular contributor on