Soar (scn) Podcast

SCN 1000 Change Agent Series - Ellen Bryan



Ellen Bryan is a television host and motivational speaker. Every morning, she helps people in Washington, D.C. start their day on WUSA 9’s Wake Up Washington, Get Up DC and Great Day Washington. Ellen also hosts an online series called Minute Motivation, where she and her guests inspire others to find their purpose and passion. A girl from the Midwest, Ellen competed in Miss America 2012 as Miss Ohio. Causes that Ellen supports: SOAR Nebula is a global online (and offline - Washington, DC area) hub where transcendent leaders can connect, collaborate and create more social impact together. Interested in becoming a SOAR Nebula Member? In an effort to promote global champions of change, we have set an extraordinary goal of interviewing 1000 people who are change agents in their communities. Tune in as our interview guests share how they are contributin