

How often do you choose to eat for a reason that has nothing whatsoever to do with whether your body is physically hungry?  Maybe you want to eat because a certain food looks or smells good. Or because you’re worried about whether you can pay your bills. Or because you’re lonely, or are having difficulties with your spouse or partner. Maybe it’s to reward yourself for working too hard.  Perhaps you’re in that hamster wheel of seeking pleasure from food, then feeling miserable because you overate, frustrated that you’re gaining weight, and your doctor told you that your cholesterol has gone up, all of which make you more upset, so you eat some more. A very vicious cycle, isn’t it?  Or maybe, like one woman posted on social media recently, you cling to food to get through your pain.  Underneath all of that food that your body doesn’t need, and often stores as fat, is something going on in your life that wants to teach you something about yourself when you’re ready to learn.  Here’s an unarguable fact:  food can