Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

6 Steps for Getting Back on Track After Backsliding



You’ve made a bunch of changes to your eating habits.  You’re listening to your body, eating when you’re hungry, stopping when lightly full. Eating consciously without distractions. You’ve stuck with it for weeks or even a few months or years.  You’ve lost weight, feel great, and discovered the liberating feeling of eating in tune with your body’s signals.  Then something throws you off course.  Maybe it’s something big like the Pandemic.  Or something more usual, like the occasional exception that you’ve been making to your plan becomes more frequent. Or maybe a change in your life interferes. A new job. You get sick.  Something takes you out of your routine.  Suddenly, you’ve fallen back in your old groove, the one that you’ve worked so hard to get out of.  This is normal! It happens to everyone!  The important thing is what you do AFTER you mess up. Listen to learn the 6 steps for getting back on track after backsliding.  Are you ready to learn how you can eat what you love without feeling out of control a