Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How Practicing Equanimity Can Stop Emotional Eating



How often do you find yourself upset because of something someone else did?  Something over which you have no control?  Do some people really trigger you--a coworker, neighbor, a sibling or in-law--causing you to not show up the way you want to with them, or just making life unpleasant?  Are there people in your life who seem to need to put you or others down to feel good about themselves?  Do you eat in response to the uncomfortable emotions you feel when you have to deal with these folks?  The fact is that we have less control of most of what happens during our day than we like to admit. We can’t control other people’s behavior, the weather, traffic, or, well, pretty much most things. In reality, the only thing we really have control over is our thoughts. When you are good at managing your thinking, all of those other annoyances and difficulties become less difficult.  Wouldn’t you love to be in that peaceful place of equanimity where you notice this person’s behavior and let it roll off you like water off