Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Free yourself from Food Guilt and Obsession



Do you obsess about what you should and shouldn’t eat?  Are you always looking for the next miracle diet that promises results but doesn’t deliver? Do you feel guilty enjoying the foods you love?  It pains me to hear so many women talk about being afraid to allow themselves to enjoy food, hearing them obsess about it, and waste so much of their precious energy worrying about what to eat.  I hear them talk about what they should and shouldn’t eat. How they were “bad” because they ate some fried food or dessert or pancakes. Or how they can’t keep chocolate in the house because they’d eat the whole package in one sitting.   I bite my tongue when people say they’re starting a new diet on Monday to justify eating foods they love today because they have chosen a fad diet that won’t allow them to eat even the healthy foods they enjoy because they have carbs.  It pains me to hear this because I know that despite suffering through this diet, it’s highly unlikely they’ll lose much weight, even more unlikely that they’l