Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

What need are you trying to fill with food?



You know the feeling. You feel a strong urge to eat, but you aren’t hungry. It’s undermining your weight loss efforts, but you find it so hard to not give in whenever it arises!  Maybe you just ate lunch an hour ago and you’re working on a tough project. Or maybe the kids and the pets are driving you nuts and you either can’t get anything done or even just take that break that you desperately need. Or you’re stressed out because you have to pay bills today.  What makes you feel like you want to eat when you aren’t hungry? How often do you choose to eat for a reason that has nothing whatsoever to do with whether your body is physically hungry?  Why do you feel the need to eat at those times? Perhaps by now you’ve realized that this feeling is an emotional and not a physical need. After all, you’re not hungry, so your body doesn’t need food to nourish it. Food is easy and readily available. It tastes good and brings you instant pleasure to escape from whatever is going on in your life that is making you want to