Running: A Fever

RAF004: Joe Cool on the Trail



“I’m just like Joe Cool. I’m lookin’ good today, I’m feelin’ good, it’s another beautiful day.” Daniel J. Lewis is the RSS Guru. 10,000 steps per day is considered a good amount of exercise. But even walking a mile and a half of intentional exercise, I have not achieved that yet. Wearing the super-cool, ultra-groovy opthalmalogical sunglasses, I went for a record 1.5 miles at a faster pace (possibly because I was looking so darn cool). Speeding up the pace is something I am trying to do each day because that will get me to running more, instead of walking most of the workout. But I also want to be sure I walk enough to warm up before running. My gear watch was more useful today, discovered it will remind me when I am slowing down.   Weight: 269 Water: 20 ounces Distance (total): 1.5 miles Run: 15 seconds Goal: 11.5-mile run in a day by 11/18/18