Running: A Fever

RAF010: Mental Toughness



It’s great to be past that statistically significant seventh episode, by which most podcasts end. But that’s only a statistic. Time is a factor. How would I get my runs in if my schedule was less flexible or more hectic? What about my goal? We have setbacks, and it’s important not to look at a setback as a failure. It can be too easy to pronounce the project failed and just quit. When I got back from Thanksgiving it was too dark to work out, so I missed that day, but I got right back at it the following day. We all have setbacks, we just need to move on. Everyone has setbacks, so the difference between those who succeed and those who do not is that the successful do not quit, work through those failures. Mental toughness is a big part of this thing. Weight: 268 Workout time: 40 min Distance (total): 1.89 Miles Run Portion: 1.75 minutes Heart Rate (min/max all day): 66/110 Steps: 9275 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18