Running: A Fever

RAF013: Working Through the Cedars



I quote my friend quoting a mystic who said one can hear the voice of God by sitting under a cedar tree while the sun rises. This is a busy day on the trail with lots of noise including loud exhaust systems, children playing, dogs, bikes, and more. And it is hard work for me as I realize that in this journey as in any other serious venture, some days are much harder than others. A retraction about signs along the trail, and I discover the “milestones”. Sharing a journey with someone, whether it is a workout partner, or just someone who’s doing the same thing as I am, helps me stay motivated. I can share with them my successes and failures as I aim for something new and good in my life. I hope you are sharing this journey with me, and I hope to hear about yours. Weight: 268 Workout time: 52 Minutes Distance (total): 2.71 Miles Run Portion: Unknown Heart Rate (min/max all day): 65/79 Steps: 9088 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18