Running: A Fever

RAF019: Going Deeper



It’s a cool day, and though it is clear and at the peak of temperature for the day, my hands are cold. I try to keep a positive attitude and recognize success in my efforts, but sometimes I don’t celebrate wins and tend to just look for the next challenge I must overcome. Perhaps I need to work on that. I look forward to a visit to a running store to finally get equipped to run in the dark. Running is harder in the cold weather, because it is harder to get the needed volume of air into my lungs. I think and hope that I must be getting a better workout on days like these because I’m putting forth more effort, even though it is the same amount of work. Before the fall of Lance Armstrong I watched a lot of cycling and remember athletes talking about “going deeper”. With guys at that level, it is not a matter of who’s trying harder, or who has the best gear. It comes down to the physical makeup of each man’s body, the organic equipment. That’s when I learned how important oxygen is to physical performance. Diet-w