Running: A Fever

RAF023: Adversity and Pain



How do you handle adversity? Do you have people you talk to? Things that you do? I have attitude problems but I keep on going, trying to maintain. It’s in the hard times that we really find out who we are. Sports are a metaphor for life. There is always some difficulty, some challenge to overcome. In a game, it is the opponent. In running there is no opponent except gravity. There is a big mental part of this, how I approach the things that make me want to stop. There is an individual philosophy of life that each person must find for himself. When I have adversity, and I have to work through it and push through it, I think about that meaning. There is a goal, and there is a positive effort that is required to reach it. One difference between running outside and running on a treadmill is that inside, you only see a number, not really a visual goal on the landscape. I am still getting used to my head lamp and use it on the way back, actually starting with the run. I am able to do the half-mile run all at one ti