Running: A Fever

RAF024: Southern Breakfast



I offer my detailed instructions for how to make the breakfast that I enjoyed this morning: Southern Sausage and Eggs 2 tbsp. bacon grease or shortening 2 eggs 2 sausage patties or 4 slices of bacon or 2 slices of bologna or 1 slice of country ham Take your skillet and put it on the stove and start warmin’ it up. Reach in your fridge and get your jar or cup or some other container of bacon grease saved from a previous breakfast and spoon out a healthy portion of that into the skillet. Once melted, add meat. Cook until black. Drain and cool on paper towels. Break eggs into the frying pan. I prefer country style, also known as wrecked. To make country eggs, don’t immediately scramble them, wait until they start to fry, then coarsely scramble. Put eggs and sausage on a plate and enjoy a tasty breakfast that is also full of protein. Lunch was a meal replacement shake. I retract my previous statement about looking good at fifty-one because, in fact, there are many attractive people of all ages. I do want to lose w