Running: A Fever

RAF028: Not Yet Defeated



I go out for a test, fact-finding walk. I can’t really know exactly what to do about my injury. I’m not going out today just because I am stubborn. I think it might be better to exercise in moderation than to rest. This is a risk. What if I can’t run? How am I going to do a podcast called Running: A Fever if I cannot run? I feel pretty good, but I definitely still have an injury. I get out on the trail and I am limping. I need to regroup, listen to my advisors. Perhaps I need to take a few days off. But it is another beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville, warmer than the last couple. I forget to warm up, so I stop and lean on a tree to do my dynamic stretches. I never expected this to be without pain, to be a painless experience. And now I’ve experienced the “thrill of victory” and “the agony of defeat”, as they used to say on the Wide World of Sports. But I am not yet defeated. More...