Running: A Fever

RAF031: Stubborn Return



Fitness Department: I am very happy that I had no ill effect from the last run a week ago. These are definitely low-impact workouts. But that’s how we get back into it, one step at a time, one minute at a time, one run at a time. I plan to increase the frequency of workouts to two, then three per week. I’ve had so much time off that I’ve gotten used to using that time for other things, so now it will take some doing to squeeze the workouts back into my schedule. The important thing is I’m still back. I’m still keeping the workout short and not exerting myself much. I want to keep this up. Although I set a goal, if I only manage to keep coming out here until the end of the year, that will be an excellent accomplishment. I gain hope from the fact that I know many people my age are running, even competitively. And it should be easier now that I have lost some weight. Medical Department: I’ve lost 30 pounds in the last three weeks. I’ve been trying to eat three meals a day and not be too extreme about my diet. I