Running: A Fever

RAF034: Fitness, Diet, and Medicine



I am now hitting the trail every three days, up from the weekly workouts I did for the first three weeks back from the injury. I am very happy to be injury free and pain free. Since I’ve been on this ultra-low diet, some negative effects are happening. One of the things to be aware of when losing weight quickly is that medications can be less effective. Not just because my body mass is less, as in why children should not take an adult dose, but because the chemistry of my body is changing, body fat percentage is changing, and my metabolism is changing. Be aware of this and consult a medical professional if you start to see this happening. My pants are not fitting as tightly any more. Even if I wasn’t losing weight, my body shape would be changing due to the addition of exercise to my routine. Muscle is more dense than fat, so this wouldn’t necessarily affect my weight. Another change is that I have been sleeping better. The bottom line is that I need to adjust my diet. From here on, the podcast will not be ju