Running: A Fever

RAF035: And More Patience



I wanted to give a little more information about the workout from Episode 33 in which the recording was cut short. I’m a little impatient now, and that needs to be tempered with the realization that I cannot go all out right now. I’m just coming back from an injury. In a way, my impatience is a good sign. I am motivated and gung-ho to get fit. This motivates me and I hope you are motivated to get started if you haven’t started yet. After the six weeks off, I did have some resistance to get started again, but I did it, and now I am exercising twice per week. Even though I did not record that last time, I was talking the whole run, which did what it usually does, distracted me and inspired me. My knee is fine, I haven’t had pain for the last three weeks. And if you YouTube, you can also get the podcast there. Weight: 236 (33 lost) Workout time: 0 Minutes Distance (total): 0 Miles Run Portion: 0 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 49/99 Steps: 4798 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18