Pt Inquest

126 Screening for Female Athlete Triad



Female Athlete Triad may be more common than you think, and it turns out many male athletes can have it too! We take a deep exploration of the condition, how it works, and how to screen for it with special guest, San Diego State University PT School Program Director Mitch Rauh! Association of the Female Athlete Triad Risk Assessment Stratification to the Development of Bone Stress Injuries in Collegiate Athletes. Tenforde AS, Carlson JL, Chang A, Sainani KL, Shultz R, Kim JH, Cutti P, Golden NH, Fredericson M. Am J Sports Med. 2017 Feb;45(2):302-310. doi: 10.1177/0363546516676262. Epub 2016 Dec 30. We also discussed one of Mitch's many article on the topic from several years ago that happens to be open access: Associations between the female athlete triad and injury among high school runners. Rauh MJ, Barrack M, Nichols JF. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2014 Dec;9(7):948-58. Due to copyright laws, unless the article is open source we cannot legally post the PDF on the website for the world to download at will. That