Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Marketing Is Connecting With Bianca Hughes



Bianca is on a mission to destigmatize therapy, fight shame and help people get the help they need. She’s discovered that video is the most fun and natural way for her to market her practice and educate people about mental health. Listen as Bianca dives into her personal journey of putting herself out there MUCH more in the past year. She’s got some advice for therapists who are ready to put themselves out there as well.   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Treating her practice as a business Specializing in perfectionist women Finding her tribe as a therapist Collaborating to create workshops Stepping into public speaking Using Facebook live to educate people and destigmatize therapy Using video rather than writing to create content How to get started with video if you’re uncomfortable with it How to use one piece of content in many ways Balancing private practice with her agency work Fees (real numbers as usual) Separating her personal worth from her business How to raise fees for existing clients Show no