Radioactive Lounge

Radioactive Lounge Episode 165: Larry Flynt, This Is Your Life



Spun into a tizzy by more of WandaVision, the latest episodes have the supporting cast front and centre, showcasing just how watchable even the small roles of the MCU are. The guys have taken upon themselves to send more money Disney’s way with their ideas for more Disney Plus content featuring some of their favourite minor characters headlining a new show Beyond that Larry comes to terms with the passing of a personal hero, Lucas has a complicated relationship with Tom King’s latest works and Mitch brings a new segment to the table in the hopes to earn all of YOU a little extra comic cash on the side. SHOW NOTES: 00:00  Intro & News 1:09:54  Reviews - Rorcharch #1-#4 - Strange Adventures #1-#8 - Batman Black And White #2 - BRZRKR #1 1:49:22 Feature: MCU Supporting Cast Pitch Meeting 2:13:59  BA’s PA