

Hello! I’m so glad you’ve joined me on Day 4 of the Shine Retreat Journey. Today is the last day of the Retreat, so I wanted to share the ways that I have learned from the important women in my life during the retreat. It is refreshing to be surrounded by women who are offering hope and light to one another. Oftentimes, we wander through difficult seasons of life without a glimmer of light. I want you to know that you and I have the power to make the world a little brighter! What are your sources of light? Perhaps the better question is who are your sources of light? You might be experiencing some of the darkest moments of your life right now, so I wanted to encourage you with the truth that dawn always breaks. If you aren’t in the midst of hardship and darkness, then I would encourage you to share your light with someone. Look for the opportunities to brighten and encourage. I this quote just about sums up my week at the Shine Retreat:  “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” ~ James Keller Her