

What can you do when your heart breaks? When tragedy strikes and your world feels shaken, how is it possible to hold onto hope? What about the good things that happened just before the darkness descended? Does your current heartache cancel about all the hope and healing you just experienced?             These were the thoughts I wrestled with in this past week since the Shine Retreat wrapped up. Just as we finished up, our country was hit with the news of the Las Vegas shooting. I was hurt, shaken, and emotionally raw. I was not planning on using this wrap-up week to talk about tragedy, but, as usual, life has other bigger plans. This week, I saw so many women come to a place of healing and hope that I am refusing to let go of. I am refusing to believe that I do not make a difference, and neither should you. Let’s choose to hold onto goodness and hope in this dark time. Hold onto one another, and hold onto hope. I hope you enter into this space with me this week. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a