

Today, I would like to talk to you about “self-limiting beliefs”. Most folks aren’t familiar with this terribly important concept, so I’m going to deconstruct it, tell you how it works against us, and also how we can stop doing it to ourselves. I’d like you to know that many of the topics I discuss on this podcast are topics that are close to my heart; issues that I have personally struggled with and I’m walking the path along with you. Journey with me as we explore the beliefs that hold us back, and how to implement those steps that can get us on the other side of fear, so that we can realize our goals. Show Highlights: Self-limiting beliefs are something that we impose on ourselves but has intensified due to our environment.  During our lifetime, we can sometimes shift from having realistic expectations to having self-doubt and fear, so that we start creating obstacles for ourselves.  We limit ourselves based on our beliefs in our abilities that are not based on factual information. Beware of language that