

Darrin Ford is the special guest I would like to introduce you to today. Darrin is also a sponsor for the upcoming Shine Retreat.    Today, Darrin and I will discuss changing the word “mindfulness” from a trendy buzzword to something tangible that we can apply to our lives and use as a way to tune in to ourselves, to learn and to grow as we move through this journey called life.   Darrin Ford is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in treating addictive disorders. His practice began in Long Beach, California and has extended over the years to include treatment centers in West Los Angeles and Orange County. As co-founder of Sano Center for Recovery, he currently serves as the chief executive officer, runs intensive workshops, and mentors new therapists. He is a certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisor, who was trained directly by the pioneer of the field, Dr. Patrick Carnes. He also has Founded The Mindfulness Academy of Addiction and Trauma Training with Mari Lee LMFT, CSAT-S, MBAT-S AKA