

Today, I am thrilled to introduce yet another sponsor for the Shine Retreat, which is coming up in September. I’ll be giving you more information on how listeners of this podcast can get a $50 discount off registration, so you’ll want to listen in! Today’s guest is also a dear, dear friend of mine who has been on the podcast one other time. She was so supportive and encouraging to me when I first started out. Our friendship has evolved though the years, which has been such a cool thing to experience, and her work has transformed, as well. Nicol thought she might die in that cubicle, and that's when she decided to make some changes. She is now self-employed. She is an expert witness in court (don't tell anyone), a child custody evaluator (for real, don't tell anyone), an author (tell everyone), a motivational speaker (tell everyone) a mom (2 cutie pies), a wife, a mompreneur, a taxi, a motivational speaker, a skincare consultant (hello good skin and tax write-offs), a non-profit director (in all her spare time