Fort Worth 148

S3E04: Amity App Announcement



Join Billy Hamilton and Rhit Moore as they chat with Jeremy Barnes and Michael Radigan.  The creators of the Amity Mobile app.  This is an app all Masons should have on their smart phone.  Why you may ask?  Well we answer those questions and more in this episode.  Plus on this episode as well the Amity team debuts a new feature their R&D Department ;) has developed.  This new feature has great potential to save Grand Lodges & Lodges a good sum of money.  It could also relieve the Secretary of a very tedious and time consuming task.  Not to mention give us real time information for a very important process we conduct as Masons.  We also dive in many types of technology that could greatly help the Lodge streamline many processes.   Don't forget to subscribe through your favorite podcast app so the episodes automatically download when released.   0:00 Into  0:04 Discussion Questions  0:17 Intro to Amity App 0:34 Announcement  0:59 Wind-down Questions 1:12 Closing Thoughts 1:17 Quote    The Fort Worth L