Pixelania Podcast

Soudscapes 41



Mega Man II (NES, 1989) Donkey Kong Country (SNES, 1994) Animal Crossing (NGC, 2001) Angry Birds (IOS, 2009) Mario Bros (NES, 1986) Donkey Kong Country (SNES, 1994) Profesor Layton & The Diabolical Box (NDS, 2009) Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars (Wii, 2008) Street Fighter IV (PS3/XBOX360/3DS/IOS, 2009) Pokemon Silver/Gold (GBC, 1998) Parappa the rapper (PSP, 1999) Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast/NGC, 2001) Punch- Out! (NES, 1987) Super Street Fighter II (Arc, 1993) Entre otros...