All Possibilities With Julie Chan

060 – Bill Bennett – At the Intersection of Life and Intuition



Award-winning Australian filmmaker Bill Bennett on intuition and the genesis and making of the documentary “PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System”… Bill Bennett, whose numerous feature films and documentaries have won many awards, including Australia’s equivalent of the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director, and been nominated a further twelve times, and Australia’s equivalent of the Emmy for Most Outstanding Documentary, has had his work distributed through several Hollywood studios and screened at some of the world’s most prestigious film festivals. Bennett joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios in New York (powered by Sennheiser) to discuss his documentary film “PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System” exploring the nature and existence of intuition.In this episode: Why Bennett started in 1999 working on a documentary about intuition after a near fatal crash in New Orleans at an intersection – he was saved because of hearing a voice telling him to slow down, intuition De