Movers + Mavericks

You are what your food ate - Glen Burrows, The Ethical Butcher - Episode 81



Glen Burrows, co-founder of talks regenerative and grass-fed farming and how the industrial food industry has removed the nutrients of the food we eat for their own gain. We as a society can inspire farmers to rediscover the farming methods which restore the earth we live on and sustain healthy, nutrient-dense, and complete animals and plants.Glen first wrote for in Issue 1 with his essay “Watch what you eat” and how the labels we define ourselves by can create a straight jacket for our own growth and health in all senses. Three years on we catch up with Glen as he prepares to launch his new venture Ethical Butcher, an online butcher dedicated to providing meat that is better for our health and the planet, inspiring a return to natural farming techniques, an honoring of the animals themselves rather than a cheap mass-produced mechanised machine.We cover some ground and link into the wider world of farming, regenerative techniques, soil health, functional medicine, Zach Bush M