Learn Share Grow With Hayden Wilson

#22 - The Gift Of Challengers



Sometimes, we kind of wish everyone would just support us. That's human nature. But did you know it's actually our challengers who are the ones who fuel our growth the most? Yes, the doubters, 'haters', and naysayers, aren't to BLAME - they're to THANK. Have a listen to this episode and see if I cannot shift your perspective around this topic. I suspect you're going to be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy. p.s I dedicate this episode, this DayCast, this career that I am lucky enough to live everyday to ALL of my challengers. Thankyou big and small - for without you, I would not be here! When you're ready to step out of the norm, and step up as a man, find out out how I can help you here: lynxinbio.com/getreal/ p.p.s here's the episode I reference about doing the work: https://soundcloud.com/realmanmvmt/5-do-the-fcking-work