Learn Share Grow With Hayden Wilson

#29 - Getting Over Your Fear Of A Physical Confrontation



You do not have to live your life in fear. For 29 years of my life, I was walking around as a scared man. Even though I was 6ft and gotten to 85-90kg, I was still secretly scared of confrontation. You can change it! It's not easy, or fun - and it doesn't involve any secret moves or hand strikes, but it will change your life entirely. I know this because 3 years ago I decided to DO something about my fear of the above. And in this episode, I give you a practical system to do the same. Enjoy! Also massive shoutout to Deane Lawler, and Tony Blauer too. Please reach out to me if you're in this headspace right now - take action, and FIGHT BACK. Don't be a scared little boy. You can change! IG: Http://instagram.com/haydenwritesstuff E: hayden@haydenwilson.com.au WWW: http://realmanmvmt.com Pick up your FREE training today! Ciao. Hayden