Francis Watch

Episode 4: John XXIII – The Patron Saint of Modernism



On April 27, 2014, Bergoglio "canonized" John XXIII and John Paul II, the two "bookends" of the Second Vatican Council, in order to leave no doubt about the direction that his revolution to transform the face of Catholicism will take: More Vatican II, more upheaval, more doctrinal and moral chaos. The misdeeds of John Paul II are still fresh in the unhappy memory of a generation of traditional Catholics, so his "canonization" has provoked widespread outrage in those circles. Far less well known, however, are the words and deeds Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli, a modernist through and through from the youngest days of his priesthood during the reign of St. Pius X. The truth about John XXIII is far from the benign image of the tiara-wearing, rolly-polly "good Pope John." The "recognize and resist" wing of the traditionalist movement, which claims to "recognize" Francis as a true pope but "resist" him in almost everything he teaches and holds as Roman Catholicism, alleges that a Catholic can still recognize Bergoglio