Francis Watch

Episode 8: Bergoglio says: “God Does Not Exist”



On this month's episode of Francis Watch, we confront head on one of the most outrageous, blasphemous, scandalous, and horrific statements uttering forth from the mouth of Jorge Bergoglio: "God does not exist!" ( We start the show by covering a couple of late breaking news stories that came out on October 28, 2014 including Francis saying that God is not "some magician with a wand able to do everything," as he reconciled the evolutionary "big bang theory" with that of Divine Creation - saying the two are not incompatible. Also, we cover the story from the October 10 meeting at Casa Santa Marta where Francis conducts his ecumenical love fest with the Communion of Episcopal Evangelical churches. The theme for this month's show could be "Bergoglio's Dogma Death Squad." As you will hear, we have story-after-story this month that outline Francis' unyielding war to the death of Catholic dogma. On tap for this month: