Francis Watch

Episode 36: Death Penalty Special Edition



On this special edition of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss the Catholic Church’s teaching on the death penalty, what Jorge Bergoglio teaches, and what motivations may have been behind and what consequences may come from what the media is calling a “change in Catholic doctrine.” Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Francis Watch’s first two seasons, previously only available to the paid members of Restoration Radio, have been made public via the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can listen to almost two dozen of these episodes at the link below, the first of which was recorded only months into the non-pontificate of “Call me Jorge” Bergoglio. 2014-15 | 2013 To learn more about Francis Watch, and to access another two dozen episodes, visit Member-Supported Restoration Radio ( You can learn more a