Francis Watch

Episode 38: Paul VI, Never Revoked, and Me Too



In this final review of Francis and the Novus Ordo Sect he presides over for 2018, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss: The “Canonization” of Paul VI - the language of the canonization, what those who recognize Francis as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth are expected to believe regarding Paul VI and his “sanctity,” and the problem of “pick and choose” Catholicism. The Modernist strategy of taking clear doctrine and reducing it to nonsense babble language, as seen in a October 31st general audience of Francis. Benedict XVI’s doubling down on the Jews not being included in the number of those who need to have the Gospel preached to them, and the support for this error by “Bishop” Barron. The attack on Most Holy Trinity Seminary over a “Me Too” article. The conspiracy theory that Benedict XVI is “still pope.” The punishment of a Novus Ordo cleric who dared to burn a rainbow flag. The demolition of two Marian shrines and the resignation of two Chinese bishops, more rotten fruit of the