Francis Watch

Francis Watch, Episode 0.04: Atheists Can Go to Heaven?



So back we are again on a special episode of Francis Watch to discuss the latest installment of Bergoglio heresy. The recent revelation by the Novus Ordo sect that now, mankind does not need to believe in God to go to Heaven and that sin is defined as disobeying one's conscience; not disobeying the law of God. As if that isn't outrageous enough, a story just broke from the Vatican that apparently, the Novus Ordo is considering overturning centuries old disciplinary law that will allow Priests to marry, and that there's a need to "reflect the democratic spirit of the time," and to "adopt a collegial way of governing." We will analyze and discuss these statements. Join us as hosts Nicholas Wansbutter and Justin Soeder speak with His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, FL as well as Father Anthony Cekada of St. Gertrude the Great in West Chester, Ohio. Article:…n-8810062.html Original Air Date: September 13, 2013 Origina