Francis Watch

Episode 41: Necessary Heresy, Cardinal Stacking, and Golfer Confessions



In this episode of Francis Watch, H.E. Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss the latest ramblings of Bergoglio and the newest rumblings from the Novus Ordo Sect, which masquerades to the world as Roman Catholicism. Topics include: - The “gift” of relics of St. Peter to the Orthodox of Constantinople - Francis’ argument of “necessary” differences between religions - The appointment of 13 new cardinals, and the examination of one of them in particular - Burke’s commentary on Instrumentum Laboris - Muller chimes in too - SSPX features a “Theology of the Body” speaker at an annual conference… - While also getting to use Novus Ordo churches to celebrate their founding - Confessions on the Go in Indiana Many of the stories covered have appeared in the Novus Ordo Wire, which you can peruse should you wish to read further. You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at FrancisWatch.or