Francis Watch

Episode 42: Ecocide, Soap Operas, and Pachamama



In this installment of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss: -Bergoglio's proposed addition of "ecological sins" to the Catechism -Bergoglio's new book about "Mother Earth" -The recent "canonization" of Cardinal Newman -The Pachamama Controversy -The Adoration of "dogmatic formulations" over God -Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix considered "foolishness" -St. Paul and "soap operas" -Bergoglio's banal treatment of death -The call to "more women in leadership" -More handwringing -A new sculpture in St. Peter's and more! Many of the stories covered have appeared in the Novus Ordo Wire, which you can peruse should you wish to read further. You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at http://mostholytrinitysemin