Francis Watch

Episode 43: Querida, Corona, Quarantina



In this episode H.E. Bp Donald Sanborn and host Stephen Heiner discuss the words and deeds of Jorge Bergoglio, known popularly as “Pope Francis,” in the first quarter of 2020. Topics covered include: -Querida Amazonia - some selected paragraphs -Francis’ Message for Lent 2020 which rails against the “unbridled thirst for profit” -A March Angelus address in which God’s love “asks for nothing in return” -The necessity of public benefits being extended to LGBT couples -Interviews Francis gave to La Stampa and La Repubblica on the quarantine and the corona virus, including an additional comment that this is “nature’s revenge” -The destruction of a miraculous crucifix by Francis’ ill treatment -A Novus Ordo “bishop” goes non una-cum and the continued growth of “Resignationism” -The demotion of Ganswein in the wake of the Sarah/Ratzinger book controversy His Excellency also comments on how the coronavirus has affected the seminary and updates us on the health of Fr. Cekada who was again unable to join us f