Zen Business Podcast

Episode #34 - Cultivating unshakable mental resilience, balance and flow through Equanimity



If you're a business owner, leader or entrepreneur experiencing constant mental chatter, stress, overwhelm or anxiety, this very relaxed and peaceful conversation could be exactly what you're looking for. Mal’s been practicing mindfulness for over 40 years and been teaching it in both clinical and public settings for more than 25. Mal originally learnt these practices from the Buddhist tradition, ordaining as a Buddhist monk in Thailand in his early 20’s Mal’s been psychologist since 1991, he has worked with hundreds of clients, using mindfulness, compassion, loving kindness and a myriad of other scientifically validated techniques improve wellbeing. His book Healing the Heart and Mind with Mindfulness: Ancient Path, Present Moment, is aimed at anyone who wishes to use mindfulness practices for psychological freedom. You can also find Mal's meditations on Insight Timer app, which you can download on the App Store, or wherever you get your apps. https://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Healing-Heart-and-Min