Zen Business Podcast

Episode #36 - Values and their impact on behaviour, culture, and your experience of life



In this episode with clinical psychologist Dr. Jackie Henry, we explore the concepts of values, and how they inform your behaviour and experience of life. We look at how the collective values of a group influences culture, a conversation that I feel is applicable to companies, organisations and even society at large. Quite a timely conversation, especially given what’s happening in the world right now. We also discuss some simple strategies for identifying your values and the values of your team, which from my experience improves staff engagement, creates alignment, and increases overall satisfaction. If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe, comment, like or share on whatever platform you’re listening on. Your engagement makes a massive difference to the show. Wherever you are right now in the world, thank you for tuning in, I trust you’ll enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.