Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Christ in the History of Israel



What we’re going to address is to look at Jesus Christ, try to understand a little bit more about Him, in the context of the history of Israel. We’re going to hear a lot of names and different characters which are going to bring back lots of things to us that we’ve remembered and learned over the years about Christ and Israel. Jewish history begins with characters called Patriarchs who are basically the fathers of Israel. We’ve got Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham our young friend here and the other children will remember just being a man with a long beard and a walking stick. But Abraham was a desert chief, and he had about three hundred clansmen and their families who followed him and worked for him. Abraham would have been like any other desert chief at the time. However, if you met Abraham you’d be very surprised to see that he was a man that seemed to have his head and his thoughts in the future. If you met Abraham, he would tell you “In the future all this land is going to belong to my descendants. Do