Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Dan Navarro On Vicki Abelson' The Road Taken (online - Audio -



The only answer is “Yes.” Dan Navarro’s creedo which has served him well, and, saved my ass more than once. With 24 hrs notice Dan stepped in, swung away and gave it 110%, as he always does. Opening the show with the beauty, Let it Ride, from his newly dropped solo CD, Shed My Skin, he told stories… Barry Cowsill *swoon*, Hanson, Cameron Dye, Deborah Pearl, Severin Browne, his cousin Dave, The Bangles, and, of course, his longtime collaborator, creative and performing partner, Eric Lowen who passed of complications of ALS in 2012, forever changing Dan’s life, in innumerable ways. He did a little Javier Bardem, talked Family Guy, and closed out the BROADcast with a mini-concert, two killer cuts from his new CD, not to be missed, and, his mega-hit for Pat Benatar, We Belong, currently featured in the box office smash, Deadpool 2. Nothing like Dan the creator performing his song. We laughed like hell, had a ball, but alas, no tightie whities, or whacky blackies. Next time. Dan Navarro on The Road Taken, Celebr