Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



The year in review––mine. Gratitide–– more me––I'm naming names. Tonight's scheduled guests, Jeffrey Sherman and Wendy Liebman regretfully postponed for medical reasons. Wishing Wendy Godspeed, whatever the hell that means... what I mean is a miraculous swift healing. Dj, my banner maker is out of town, so getting a fill-in guest without the proper signage seemed unfair. Take the week off? Why not. We're smack in the middle of holiday season. But... we've yet to miss a week in the now 125 weeks we've been doing this and I'm all about streaks and day counts... so... This was a reflection––noting progress, manifestations, and a bit of an infestation of poor choices leading to better ones. We talked about setting intentions... the three step manifestation process, and the one-step do better, be better thing. On 2 1/2 hrs of sleep, I had fried brain, no eggs, no bacon. The Facebook was having "issues." On again, off again, soft focus, is unintended and annoying as fuck. But, the beat went on, with some l