Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Wendy Waldman Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Iffn' you missed the fabulousness that is Wendy Waldman - tada! So what if it took years - this was the perfect moment. On the eve of the high holy day, two Jewish girls being of service, as Wendy put it. Happy New Year! This was indeed a joyous celebration of life and art. What a glorious sit down with the singer, songwriter, arranger, producer, recording artist, Grammy nominee, and multi-platinum-selling hitmaker. Our conversation ran the gamut from indigenous agriculture, early COVID, childhood influences, Taj Mahal, for one, Fred Steiner, her wildly successful composer father, early days in LA, waiting on line behind Jackson for her moment in the spotlight, getting an ovation, touring first as a solo, becoming We the youngest member of the Warner Bros. brain trust - a group of artists who were known for their innovative approaches to music. The pack included Maria Muldaur, Randy Newman, Ry Cooder, Captain Beefheart, forming Bryndle with Karla Bonoff, Andrew Gold, and Kenny Edwards. Opening for Linda Ron