Dhs Us History Ii

August 1965 Watts Riots



On August 11, 1965, an African-American was pulled over for allegedly drunk driving in a predominantly black neighborhood in Los Angeles. The man behind the wheel was Marquette Frye and was arrested by two white police officers for reckless driving. The situation escalated when Frye’s mother arrived at the scene of the arrest and a crowd of spectators gathered at the corner of the street. Premeditated distrust for the police force and acts of physical aggression led the witnesses to believe that this arrest was yet another incident of racially motivated police brutality. A dangerous and violent six days followed, as the community rioted together against police racism and unwarranted brutality. The riots resulted in 34 deaths and over 40 million dollars in property damage; it was the city’s worst unrest until the infamous Rodney King riots in 1992. Leading up to societal revolt, Los Angeles racially prohibited minorities from renting or buying property in certain areas and ethnically divided the city. This ca