Dhs Us History Ii

Freedom Rides - May 4th, 1964 Max Ranney



Over the course of the Civil Rights movement there were many events that lead to the eventual improvement of civil rights. However, one event that is seen as a breaking point for the movement were the “Freedom Rides” that took place on May 4th 1964. The plan was for the group to leave Washington D.C. on a Greyhound bus set to arrive in New Orleans, Louisiana so that they could show supports for the Brown v. Board of Education trial that was currently taking place. These rides were a way to show the world what kind of discrimination that African American and many different races had to endure as they were attempting to go through their typical day. These rides were an attempt to create improvement in how different races were treated. One of the desired effects of these rides was to draw attention to the violations of the Supreme Court ruling that had been set earlier. They did these rides in a public fashion so that they would be able to generate attention within media outlets and hopefully create friction be