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Bad Photography Advice for FREE



The world is full of bad photography advice. We give some common examples and tell you how to recognize when you're getting less than expert information. Some people mean well and keep repeating bad advice. Other people think they know it all and desperately want to show off, even if they don't have any experience to back up the advice they're giving. In this episode, you'll find out: The Internet is full of bad advice How to Recognize Bad Advice Some Examples of Bad Photography Advice We cover some common issues like: When you need a model release, What a watermark does and doesn't do for you Shoot as many photos as you can Buy expensive gear Don’t Shoot in Bad Light Don’t put the subject in the middle Never use on-camera flash When you hear some absolute statements, chances are you're getting bad photography advice. Come join us as we investigate some of the common advice that you likely want to ignore.